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Doctors agree – gas is linked to asthma and cancer


South Australians are being asked to refuse to show the Santos logo during the Tour Down Under, in protest of the health and climate impacts of natural gas.

Gas is mostly methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is linked to health risks, such as asthma and cancer. A recent study found 13% of childhood asthma cases are linked to gas stoves.

It’s part of the Fossil Ad Ban campaign calling for all levels of government to ban fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships, just like tobacco.

The Fossil Ad Ban campaign is being organised by Comms Declare, a coalition for positive climate action from the communications and advertising sectors which recognises that marketing deceives the public about the effects of fossil fuels such as gas.

Quotes attributable to Belinda Noble, Founder, Comms Declare.

“When you watch the Tour Down Under, you could be excused for thinking that Santos runs South Australia – its logo covers everything from the athletes to the streets and buildings.

“We are calling on South Australians to show their best face to the world by covering up the Santos logo and refusing to hang bunting or posters that show the Santos name.

“Tourism South Australia’s major event guidelines say events must align with South Australia’s values and have no ‘adverse environmental and social impacts’.  Allowing Santos to be a name sponsor makes a mockery of those conditions.

“The event even co-opts communities to advertise Santos – as showing its brand is part of the judging criteria for the Best Dressed Town competition.

“Adelaide council has declared a climate emergency, but still granted $125,000 to the 2023 Tour Down Under when Santos is making record profits and paying no tax.

“Gas is mainly methane which heats the atmosphere around 90 times more than carbon dioxide over 20 years. Reducing methane is one of the best short term measures we have to cut emissions and promoting a gas company is at odds with any climate goals,” Noble added.

More than 200 health professionals and organisations have written an open letter to politicians outlining how fossil fuel advertising poses more of a health risk than tobacco advertising.

Quotes attributable to Adelaide GP, Dr Kate Wylie:

“Climate change is affecting the health of South Australians now and these effects will only get worse as global warming increases. It is unconscionable that Santos, and other fossil fuel companies, are allowed to peddle their destructive products by sponsoring sporting and cultural events.

“It is a rare day that one of my patients does not express their concern about climate change to me, and I increasingly see young people choosing to remain childless because of the climate crisis.

“Heatwaves are Australia’s most deadly natural disaster and as our planet gets hotter the intensity of heat waves is increasing, placing all South Australians at risk,” she added.

For more details and to support the Fossil Ad Ban campaign visit