Sign our petition to the National Australia Day Council to drop Chevron as sponsor.
A campaign has been launched demanding that Chevron be dumped as sponsor of the National Australia Day Council (NADC).
Chevron is the ‘diversity and inclusion’ partner of the NADC, which runs Australia Day events and Australian of the Year awards.
Sign the petition
Speaking at the Purpose Conference in Sydney in October, Grace Tame, revealed how she refused to attend Chevron events while the Australian of the Year in 2021.
She explained how Australian of the Year recipients are coerced into appearing at Chevron events by the NADC as a condition of receiving travel funding.
“They provide you with a capped out sum of $40,000 worth of travel reimbursement on the condition that you do free gigs for their sponsors, which are, Chevron… noooo, no way, nah.
“So I did do some free gigs for their other Australia Day councils in the state and territory locations, one of which was in Perth and on the day they wanted me to do something for Chevron, and I just said ‘nup’ and I didn’t do it,” she said.
FACTS: Chevron’s Sponsorship
- Chevron was announced as the inaugural ‘national diversity and inclusion’ partner of the NADC in early 2020.
- Between 2020 and 2021, the NADCs cash sponsorship revenue increased from $1,601,705 to $2,729,950.
- Chevron’s logo is the most prominent on the NADC website and its Managing Director spoke at the 2022 Australian of Year award ceremony.
- In 2020-21 the NADC received nearly $30m ($30,759,076) in public funding and its two executives (CEO & COO) received more than half a million dollars ($521, 847) in wages and benefits.
- Chevron also funds Auspire, the Australia Day organisation for Western Australia.
- Chevron staff currently sit on the Australian of the Year selection committees in NT, QLD, and WA where no climate or environmental workers have been nominated for recognition. Previously, there was also a Chevron delegate on the SA selection panel.
- InfluenceMap ranks Chevron as the oil major with the lowest policy alignment with the Paris Agreement – while it lobbies for increased oil and gas extraction.
In solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples we acknowledge that for many the 26th of January is not a day of celebration. We pledge our commitment to being a part of the journey of truth, treaty and voice for a shared nation we can all be proud of.